Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

ujian praktek ABD WARIS

Nama : ABD.Waris

Kelas : XII-Bahasa


A grandmother and 5 years –old Boy died  because of landslide

Family of grandma Sutiyem cried when she was removed from the heap of soil that befell her body by SAR team.The landslides often occurred in krakal village,kebumen Central java.But this time the damage caused quite worse.

Heavy rains that occurred on Monday night,24 November eroded soil and caused landslides that pile up 6 houses. A grandmother became victims of disaster.She could not save herself  becauses she was asleep when the landslide came

ujian praktek ZAINAL ARIFIN

lands lide 27 march 1998 allready to happen lands lide in jabon vilage. much casualties soul and loss reach handreads of millions. beginds from deed jabon people prolonget and debt barren cause disaster lands lide be fall jabon village. people also in evacuated to place safety. damage the estimate reach 75%. the events is events worts experiened jabon village


global warning is the increase in the earth's tempurature caused by the greenhouse effect. what is the greenhouse effect? the greenhouse effect is the effect of gas generated withstanding the sunlinght in order to stay on the earth and not having radition into space.


One day, there was a fhisherman, he live alone. He was wonder about for seek place. He has go to lots of place.
Finally, fhisherman stop in some place so called brantas river. He break to stay in here. And the fhisherman build home. Then there are many people know that one people lives in Brantas river. And then, they come in Brantas river to lived.
Finally, the fhisherman dig land in arround river to can placed many peole. They cooperate to build home. An this name is KEDUNGREJO.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2016


Motor club

In this era many motor comunity in young people until old, but many bad anarky hapend, that can make dangerus in civilation people

In positive many motor comunity help police in the road for problem example crash and many more

In negative motor comunity make student to lazy for study, make job of people in trouble, and make people dangeruos in the road.

From pro an contra above there, can conclude what motor comunity is good or bad. Many time was lost for motor comunity, but all of there is not problem if we can manage our time


Tourism is Ngebleng is located in the hamlet Ndoesie/Tondowesi the village Pule the district Jatikalen of Nganjuk, is Ngebleng is pure. For to the waterfall walk less than 2 km or 1 hour from home residents. if the dry season in a motorcycle can be directly to the falls. waterfalls that has four levels. I got this waterfall had a beautiful view. Have a water is very clear, because in the area around is still very beautiful. These tours can be recommended to the person who likes to explore the beauty of nature. But there are things in pity. The government is still not there is no intention to make a good way to get past the bike or car.

ujian praktek EDI SYARIKUDIN

Kiki is a high fair skin with brown eyes long curly hair has a robust body and muscular in the shoulders, legs, thighs, abdomen arms her hobbies swim and he most likes to eat chocolate and drinking dairy cattle native to Indonesia sekarang umurnya 24 tahun dia kuliah di UB he now resides in malang and home address in mbote kertosono she was once served as chairman at the orphanage in mbangsri kertosono. He has younger sister named puji astutik widia ningsih young kiki very fond of his sister, and in 2016 he had graduated from college and now kiki work in the company Epson.



GENERAL STATEMENT - Plant is a creature life and grow in earth have some part root, steam, and leaves.

SEQUNCED OF EXPLANATION - some plants have a chlorophyll use a photosynthesis to product a food and the other plants not have a chlorophyll not use photosynthesis for life. Plant photosyntesis with hydrogen or water from root, and steam in plant bring nutrition of hydrogen or water from root, carbondioxida and light of sun taken from leaves. That is part use plant to life and from that plant can photosyntesis life and grow

CONCLUSION - Plants have chlorophyll can life with photosyntesis to product food. and from that plant can life

ujian praktek AKIFUL MAFAIZ

Making Paper from Wood chips
Making Paper from Wood chips(General statement)Do you know that paper is made from wood? Ya,paper that we use in our daily life is made from wood or tree. The process of making paper from wood is quite long. The process is called wood-chipping. Wood-chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees.(Sequence of explanation)The wood-chipping process begins when thetrees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe. Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called wood chips. The wood chips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.



Kelas     :XII-BAHASA
No          :21


Nowadays people can share their ideas,photo,opinion or knowledge via any kinds of media, especially the internet. One way of expressing ideas, share photo via internet is by making a facebook.

On its positives sides, to use facebook to simplify to speak with friend’s and family long distance, business long distance, and understand many information.

On the negative sides, to use facebook to decrease fighting study student’s, to decrease fighting people in their work, to finished many money, and to finished many times.
From the pros and cons above, it can be concluded that to use facebook are beneficial. Although time consuming and many money consuming, it’s not a big problem if we can manage our time and money well.

ujian prkatek NUR KAYANI

Nama : Nurkayani


fungus is a plant that does not have chlorophyll so heterotrophic

how to live with symbiotic fungus mutualism

·         characteristic mushroom

have many cells

are eukaryotic

no chlorophyll


has a height of about 10 cm

white but there are also brown

ujian praktek VENA AYU OKTAVIANI

Nama : vena ayu oktaviani


No: 24


Game is an application of the most widely used and enjoyed by the users of today's electronic media. Nowadays many person to use game online .

          On its positives sides  to use game online lighten confused, and as comfort

On the negative sides to use game online  lazy to study,woste of money,addiction.
From the pros and cons above, it can be concluded that to use game online are beneficial. Although time consuming and many money consuming, it’s not a big problem if we can manage our time and money well.

ujian praktek LUTFI NUR WAKHIDAH

Last Friday , my friend and I went to the bookstore to buy the English dictionary . I left home at 10 am and by motorcycle . I rush to the wallet left behind at home . after arriving in bookstores , we chose many dictionaries , and see the other books . after getting the English dictionary , we headed to the cashier to pay dictionary . but when we reached the counter , I reached into his pants pocket. I was shocked , I forgot to bring money . I was blushing , I'm embarrassed . but I was lucky , my friend lent me the money .
we finally go home . but when on the road , the front tires of our motor broke , reluctantly we led up to the mechanic to fix our motor . we waited about 2 hours . promptly at 3 pm we had just returned from the mechanic . This was our worst experience . hopefully will not happen again . (recount text)

ujian praktek ESTU ANDARWATI

Nama : Estu Andarwati
Kelas : XII_BHS
No. Abs : 17
Recount Text
Generic Structure : Orientation Events
 Re-Orientation 1. Orientation : • Who : One year ago, all students in grade 11 are required to attend camp at plangkat bhantara Bajulan. Besides teacher adviser also accompanied him. • Where : At Plangkat Bajulan • When : One year ago 2. Events :
One year ago, all students in grade 11 are required to attend camp at plangkat bhantara Bajulan. Besides teacher adviser also accompanied him. We reached the campsite after we walked for about half an hour from the parking lot. We built a tent under a leafy tree. The next day, we spent time cruising and lomba.sementara some who prepare food. In the afternoon we went to the river to wash the dishes and take out the water wudlu. At night, we held a bonfire night. We sing, dance, recite poetry, and even some of us put on the comedy while standing. On Monday, we pack up and get ready to go home. 3. Re-Orientation : On Monday, we pack up and get ready to go home

ujian praktek DEWI NUR ALFIAH

Nama: Dewi Nur Alfiah
Narrative fabel Monkey and Elephant

On a sweltering afternoon be alive a monkey voracious and conceited his life in jungle center alone, all animal do not like him because of pride and greed. Every day monkey always manufacture problem with other animals. Monkey don’t like with another animals because monkey don’t wish his banana be lost because another animals eating. In monkey a monkey hunger in jungle center “ I’m hungry, very hungry, i’m wish banana who are ripe and delicious” and there his find a banana heart. During life monkey not once see banana heart, next to arrive a elephant kind and helper elephant come approach monkey and ask a question to monkey “ what will you do with the banana heart “ “the banana heart ??? i will plant this banana heart. Surely bear much fruit,huge,and delicious” “it’s just a banana heart ,certainly can not bein the plant, instead of you confused with me planting banana trees” but monkey do not want to hear the words of an elephant and then he went. Monkey planting banana has a very long, but there was nothing fruitful, when they search for the monkey forest encountered many banana trees were very tasty, and the monkey steal some bananas. Then the elephatnt came and asked “ what would do you deer? You stole my banana ?” “ your gardenelephant?i’m sorry i really wanted to have a garden of banana” “ sure banana that you plant can not produce ?” elephant askes. Yes, elephant until now i did not get the result, the elephant i’m sorry i do not want to your message”. “ well i’m sorry, let me invite you eat bananas at will you “ said the elephant, “ really?thank you indeed elephant deer good. Since then the monkey and elephant make friends and cooperate cultivate banana plantation. from the story above we can take that do not be greedy become beings in the world, and do not boast about an evil will bear fruit ugliness too.

ujian praktek ELIYANA N.

Red ginger plants called "Zingiber officinale Rosc" are medicinal plants and herbs in the form of quasi-trunked clump. These plants come from Asia Pasifuik which spread from India to China. Therefore, this state who first take advantage of ginger as medicine and herbal drinks, spices and more. red ginger contains volatile oil of about 2.58 to 3.90% of the dry weight. The red ginger also has a very spicy with a pungent smell that is often utilized for the manufacture of ginger oil and pharmaceuticals. red ginger is a rhizome of red. green leaf color. Ginger is a plant that is nutritious treat various diseases, including,
1. Lowering high blood pressure, ginger can widen blood vessels and stimulate the release of adrenal hormones so that blood flow can flow quickly and smoothly that affect high blood pressure can be overcome
2. Streamlining the process of digestion, the content of protease and lipase enzymes help digest proteins and fats in the body Clean the dirty blood, sweat and encourage spending so that more healthy people
3. Increase appetite
4. Preventing blood clots
5. Prevent free radicals, antioxidants contained in ginger is able to neutralize free radicals that affect the prevention of premature aging


Nama               : Khusnul Aminatus Sholihah

Kelas               : XII-Bahasa

No.Abs            : 18

The elephant and the ant

One time an elephant and ant in the jungle. At morning the elephant sitting on the river bank. He plays muzzle and enjoy the view. Suddenly, an ant come with rnjoy. Elephant said “hey ant.. why do you come here?”. “I will drink in this river” said ants.

But elephant attention to the body of ant. According to him the body of the ant is very small than to him. And the elephant  mock an ant because his size is small. “Ant.. your body small, see my body, bigger than you”, but, an ant just silent. Elephants kept laughing. Finally, an ant was verry angry, after that ant leave elephant.

            At afternoon, when the elephant slept, an ant keep quiet approach elephant. He walking up the elephant. And ant said “hai elephant, I'll bite your nose”. Suddenly, elephant get up and shout. He was sickness and crying.

            After that, the elephant apologize to ant. “Iam sorry ant.... Iam sorry...”. Elephant keeps crying. Finally, ant down from the body of the elephant. Ant said “feel it, so do not like taunt”. “yes ant, I will not mock you again. Iam sorry....”. Finally, elephant regret because of him evil ways.

            Therefore, don’t may conceited and don’t belittle person other, because we are not necessarily greater than those.

ujian praktek ARDA MARDHOTILAH

Nama    : Arda Mardhotillah

Kelas      : XII Bahasa

No absn : 12


Photosynthesis is change of solar energy to chemical energy become food that using up. That process occar in chlorophlas. First, plant if carried that process must have three material that is carbon di oxide, hydrogen, and solar energy. Solar energy will reserve into clorophlas by chlorophyll for energy source in next process. Eventhough carbon di oxide in atmosphere will reserve in large eel below task in leaf. In root water will carry by xylem pipe heading leaf.

Solar energy just now will use to break molecul of water so that produce electron for next process and finally produce oxygen and glukose. Glukose will consume that plants will revolve to our part of plants with pipe floem. After that oxygen will be liberated to atmosphere, and will be use for human take a breath.

ujian praktek LAILA KURNIA SARI

Forest fires

                The forest is house for animals and plants. Animals life dependent on plants in that forest. Because many people visits forest, and not all people understand about forest life. Many people who throw a cigarette butt carelessly, can get the forest fires. It is because the cigarette butt affected dry leaves are fall. Then, the embers of that cigarette butts can get the fire. Expansion and drought can be forest fires too.


Nama               :Alfinatu ulfatun nisa

Kelas               :XII Bahasa

No. Absen       :10






            A long a go, there was mbok rondo dadapan and her husband’s stayed in the jungle. Wanted to cut the tree in the jungle to can liveable.

            Mbok rondo dadapan husband’s started tocutting the tree with axe, he cut the tree patiently, when mbok rondo dadapan husband was cutting the tree, hi wood was been strucked axe , the blood splattered everywhere. He screamed to ask for help.mbok rondo dadapan heared to scream.

            Then her husband was sick. Later days, he to died. Mbok rondo dadapan cut the can made land it can liveable.

            But when mbok rondo dadapan was cutting tree, suddenlythat tree took out side water. The water flooded the surrounding land. Suddenly the people came to village.that village was named sumberagung.

            The mbok rondo dadapan and her husband pantience brought to result success that helpful for many persons.


Nama               :Arhima Shofia Fariha

Kelas               :XII Bahasa

No. Absen       :13



            On the day , I had lunch with Rico and Farid. We ate deliciously. Then , I went out of the restaurant with Rico and Farid to go to the city park. The city park located in the center of city. I drove the motorcycle with them on the road to go to the city park.

            We drove the motorcycle fast. Suddenly, there was the poor boy walked to cross on the road, I hit the poor boy who walked to cross on the road. I was upset. I closed the poor boy to see his condition. Fortunately, he wasn’t injured.

            I took him to his home with Rico and Farid. After in the his home, I apologized the poor boy. The poor boy received to apologized. I thanked the poor boy. After that, I went to the city park with Rico and Farid.